Thriving in Your Therapy Business - A 5 week Group Coaching Programme

5 weeks of FANTASTIC knowledge, guidance and support from me with your business and personal life for the great price of £170!

As promised here is the April launch of my 5 week Group Coaching Programme - "Thriving in Your Therapy Business!"

With the bonus of a fantastic Instagram workshop!

I'm really excited to run this group coaching again with an added 2024 Instagram workshop!!

Last year attendees LOVED this group programme! 

Here's why...

It's not about working harder and harder, it's about bringing in knowledge, softness, positive strategies, self-care and then tapping into your magic!

This group coaching programme is so unlike others. 

We're really looking at your business running alongside your personal life in a balanced and joyful way.

We start Monday 8th April at 7pm.

5 weeks of incredible content, that will create shifts that last.
I'm offering the first 5 sign ups for this cohort at the reduced price of £140

(Usual price £170)

I know many of you would love to iron out some difficulties, learn more and feel clear and reassured.
Our businesses should be enjoyable, an expression of us and compliment our personal life goals. 

Let's make that happen!

You'll feel:


In control & purposeful

Calm & with a clear vision

Grounded with new skills

Positive with new strategies.

I'll discuss:


Booking and retaining clients

Balance & boundaries in your business and personal life

How to take care of you in your business


Social media


Time management

How to build your audience

How to find your ideal clients and keep them!

And more...

5x 90 minute sessions via Zoom, catch up and recording available.

Fantastic weekly workbook tasks to help your progress 

With the bonus of a fantastic Instagram workshop

Would you like to try my free to you service, 'Asking for a Friend'?

I think we've all been there, we're trying our best to run a beautiful, sustainable business, serving our clients and making a good income.

But at times it's lonely, frustrating, we sometimes feel embarrassed by our perceived short-comings or inexperience and we just need a helping hand.

Perhaps we need a shoulder to cry on too!

Maybe you're starting out or feeling overwhelmed with your business and personal life, whatever stage you're at.

This is where my new 'free to you' service comes in...

As a coach for women and therapists, I'm not all about targets and a 'go get 'em' approach.

I'm here to show you something different.

I'm about being gentle with yourself, not pushing yourself to the limits. I'm here for connection, trust and you thriving in your personal & business life.

We're not here to build our businesses at the expense of our own wellness.

We're also not here to be our harshest critic,
or to spend time on worry and procrastination.

You deserve to take some time.

You need rest, generous support and clarity.

It's absolutely possible for you to get where you want to be, whilst also taking care of yourself and loving your life.

I see the worries and energy drains.

So here's the offer, 'ASKING FOR A FRIEND'

I invite you to drop me a note with your concerns and each week I will choose 3 to reply to. It'll be a private communication between us.

I'll offer you some practical support, coaching, maybe a breathwork exercise or meditation. Maybe even some distance healing.

Coaching for Therapists

I’m a transformational coach and mentor to therapists who dream of growing a thriving business, but are often stressed out:

- trying to find the balance between caring for their clients and making money;
- helping clients release stress but having no outlet themselves;
- dealing with inevitable tricky client situations and feeling isolated with no one to talk to;
- wanting to work with confidence, implement compassionate boundaries and develop new ways for your professional and personal life.

As well as coaching, I run a successful holistic business myself and know how important it is to have the right support to grow without running yourself into the ground.

My offers include bespoke 1:1 coaching and group coaching through my programme 'Thriving in Your Therapy Business, 

I help you tune into your purpose, rediscover the fun/love of your business, within your personal life and create a clear direction, not forgetting that all important self-care we therapists need.

We can work together in one-off sessions or as part of a package to suit your needs.

1:1 Bespoke Coaching starts at £100

You can use the form below to enquire about how I can help.